Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Answers For Your Health Survival Guide - Survival Guide To Living With IBS

Answers For Your Health Survival Guide - Survival Guide To Living With IBS: "I have lived with Irritable Bowel Syndrome or IBS for most of my life. The sign to the left can be the most frightening in the whole world. I have learned a thing or two and would like to share this information with you.

First, perhaps we should start with the typical symptoms of IBS so you can determine if you actually have IBS Syndrome. Of course, you really should see your physician to get a medical determination and rule out some vastly more serious life threatening conditions."

Today was the last day of high school for my youngest daughter. Graduation is not until next week, but today was the last final test and no more classes just graduation practice.

I find myself almost in tears. My baby is grown and all the wonderful things I wanted to do with her in the last 4 years are opportunities gone. I let all the interruptions of daily life get in the way. We had too few special times.

Now she is off to college and new friends that I will most likely never meet. For the most part I liked all the friends she has had all these years so I will have to trust her judgement in the future.

Well, my life will get a little busier now. June will find me job hunting in the real world. I will keep up with this blog and the web site and even have a few more things planned for you. For one thing I have got to get back to the book Living with ADHD and get the correct price up. If you haven't checked it out yet, please do and save yourself some money.

until next time - smile

Friday, May 19, 2006

The Many Faces of ADHD�-�Living with ADHD

The Many Faces of ADHD�-�Living with ADHD

Book is up on ADHD. I did not personally write it but can tell you that it was compiled by the experts in the field. I am rather slowly getting some really good articles up on the site as well.

The title of the book is Living with ADHD. (Just a side note, I seem to have a real problem when ever I type that. I keep typing ADHA, so if you see that on any of the pages, please let me know.)

Here is the link. Believe it or not I did manage to get the book up on line ready to buy. I have checked the links and everything looks good. I am going out this evening, really unusual for me, and would very much appreciate it if you would take a look and let me know if any of the links don't work for you.

As a thank you, until tomorrow morning, there is an ?error? in the price of the book. I was trying some buy buttons and made one for $10.00. You will see that the regular price is $19.95 but when you actually hit the purchase page, the price is $10.00. I will put the correct buy button on the page tomorrow. If you run into any problems, just be patient, send me an email and I will fix it ASAP, tomorrow.

I wanted to give you a link to one of my favorite newsletters. He now has a blog and it is great. Please check it out.

An Inspiring Thought for Today Thursday, May 18. 2006

A very short moment of inspiration for you today. Just a brief quote from George Bernard Shaw.
Take the time you've saved to really think about this:
'When I was a young man I observed that nine out of ten things I did were failures. I didn't want to be a failure, so I did ten times more work.' "

must go and get ready for tonight. until next time - smile

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

ADHD Symptoms

I think I hit a nerve or two with my last post. I would be interested to know just how many of my readers feel that they have symptoms of ADHD.

I would hazard a guess that for most adults it is ADD and not ADHD. I know I could use a little hyperactivity to keep the weight off. I do not mean to be facetious about the hyperactivity. I am sure that hyperactivity in an adult would be as annoying as it is in children. It is just that most adults I know would love to have the energy to be hyperactive.

I think that the media is doing its best to get a high percentage of adults on drugs for ADD.

ADD is a real disorder. It can be managed. You do not have to take drugs with horrible side effects. This is an alternative, natural herbs, heal the natural way site. Of course I am going to recommend herbal helps for ADD and ADHD.

What I love about this book is that it does not just give up and say take drugs, nor does it recommend that only natural is the way to go. It truly looks at all the options.

Oh my, I just read this and it sounds like I received feedback in a negative way. The feedback I received was positive in the need for more information on ADD and ADHD.

Friday - and you can judge for yourselves. In the mean time, let me know. Do You Think You Might Have ADD Symptoms?

until next time - smile
copyright 2006

Thursday, May 11, 2006

The Hidden Agenda Behind the Bird Flu Hoax

Forgot to add this in the last blog.

The Hidden Agenda Behind the Bird Flu Hoax: "Sad but true.

The entire bird flu scare is one of the most blatant hoaxes of recent times, and the popular media continues to reinforce the baseless story. You've been hearing about it for months and months now, and what's come of it? Next to nothing. "


Saturday, May 06, 2006

ADD and ADHD Everybody?

ADD or ADHD Attention Deficient Disorder

Final month of school. I am so stressed trying to keep up with my youngest daughter who is graduating May 30, my oldest who is working on her master's and will be gone for a few weeks right after the youngest graduates, working on funding for college this fall, doctor's appointments for the grand kids and ..... it goes on and on.

Today found out that the youngest daughter has gall stones. I do believe that she is finally going to listen to me about proper diet. She has her driver's license now and her own car and is never home. Car is much worse than watching her ride around the block on her bike.

I recently gained access to a wonderful book on ADD and ADHD. I am spending all my available time on the computer getting the web site ready to put the book up. I am working on articles and will be starting a blog just for ADD. Did you know that adult ADD is not sudden onset--- it was always there just not diagnoses. I find I have several of the symptoms of ADD. I do believe most everyone can say the same.

Please be watching for the release of the book. I should have it up by Friday.

In the mean time take a look at this video. Well worth your time.

The Town of Allopath

Gotta go watch the President's Speech and then the final episode of Grey's Anatomy.

until next time smile

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Liposuction Is The Risk Worth It?

POST OF THE DAY - Liposuction

Liposuction just the word gives me the shivers. I have watched the procedure being performed. It looks terribly painful and I can certainly see why the patient would be in pain for weeks after the surgery.

On the plus side, the disappearance of belly fat. And if you are over 50 you stand a good chance that those fat cells will never come back. Of course if you are obese you are going to have a problem with all that excess skin unless it is removed too.

On the down side, you just set up a mass of scar tissue in your abdominal area. What is the effect of that scar tissue as you age? What complications are going to come up in the years to come?

What if you choose a doctor who is not skilled? What if you end up lop-sided? What if something really necessary to life is punctured or ruptured or just bruised?

In my opinion, Liposuction should only be performed as a treatment to improve your health and not as a beauty treatment. If you want to improve the contours of your body then exercise. If you are obese and need help and your insurance will go the cost then consider Liposuction.


I was watching the bird feeder today. It is designed like a house with a broad steep roof to keep the larger birds from getting to the food. It is also supposed to be squirrel proof.

I watched as a young squirrel hooked his hind feed over the top pitch of the roof, hung up-side-down and stuffed his cheeks with seeds. His daddy may believe that the feeder is squirrel proof but obviously the child doesn't know any better so he just figured out a way to get to the food.

Tuesday night was Honor's Night at my daughter's high school. She will be graduating Cum Laude the end of this month. She gets to wear a special blue sash over her graduation gown. Tonight she is in Austin at State finals for UIL in news writing. Still haven't heard how she did. I am very proud of her for getting to State finals. She has been the editor of her school newspaper this year. She was just a lowly reporter last year. Funny thing, she has no interest in journalism as a career.


If you are not going to drink the water you cooked or steamed your vegetables in then give it to your plants. Don't pour it down the drain. You can pour it --- once it has cooled --- on your house plants or the out door plants. They can use the vitamins too.


No matter how small and unimportant what we are doing may seem, if we do it well, it may soon become the step that will lead us to better things."

Channing Pollock
Actor, Writer and Composer

If you have ever read the Science of Getting Rich, you will recognize this philosophy. Whatever you put your hand to today, do it with all the skill and determination you have. If you will take pride in doing well even the smallest unimportant task, you will develop the habit of doing your best in everything you do. That can only bring you rewards, including monetary rewards.

Perhaps today your goal is to drink 8 glasses of water. Do it without complaint, do it cheerfully and do it with thankfulness. Maybe you are just cleaning the kitchen. Do it with gusto, wipe down the cabinets while you are at it.

If you would like a copy of the Science of Getting Rich, let me know. It is available for free download on the internet.




until next time - smile


COPYRIGHT 2006 Answers For Your Health