Friday, February 25, 2005

Large Breed Dogs,perianal fistulas,allergies

I just put up an article on my German Shepherd and her problems with perianal fistulas.

Large Breed Dogs,perianal fistulas,allergies

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Take a look at this 8 minute video on the future of the internet

There is a fascinating movie doing the rounds online.

I first saw it at Stephen Pierce’s seminar, and since then a few more people have referred me to it.

It’s at:

You’ll see the future in a very different way after this!

Frank Mullen's Marketing Diaries

Monday, February 21, 2005

WebMD Weight Loss Clinic: Seven Diet Sins

Please read mistake No. 2 Being confused about carbs

WebMD Weight Loss Clinic: Seven Diet Sins

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Answers For Your Health article Mercury Poisoning

Answers For Your Health home page

Mercury Poisoning Or How to Wear Out Your Body
The most important thing to know about mercury is that it is poison. It is a cumulative poison that is absorbed easily through the respiratory tract, the gastrointestinal tract, or through broken skin.

Broken thermometers are the cause of numerous calls to the Poison Center. Thermometers with a silver line contain elemental mercury. Thermometers with a red or blue liquid do not contain mercury. Elemental mercury is also known as liquid silver and quicksilver.


This is one of those days when I wonder about the sanity of my life. Perhaps I just want to get off the merry-go-round.

The spam in my email is increasing. The children have too much energy and I am tired of playing chase. I have a newsletter to publish and I am trying to update my web site.

Ok, nothing I can do about the spam. Some of it is even funny. Thank God the children are healthy and I appreciate the exercise. The newsletter, well we all know that getting a newsletter delivered by email is a miracle in itself. If it is published late, a lot of people won’t even know. The update to the web site is an ongoing event.

Ahh, sanity restored.

Sometimes, we just need to stop a moment and consider just what it is we are stressing about. Is there anything we can do to make a change? Is it really something we want to change? Did that last cup of coffee set the nerves on edge?

If you are overwhelmed, stop for a moment. Breathe deeply and slowly. Now, you can deal with whatever is happening. Take the most important item and take care of that – then move on to the next item. Don’t take shortcuts and quick fixes that just have to be corrected.

Stop trying to live your life in one day. Living is a continuous process of learning and doing and trying and forgiving and sometimes not reaching your goals today. That’s why there is a tomorrow. That’s why there are seasons. Nature may blend them, but there is a definite time to grow and a definite time to rest and always time to appreciate the now.

So, I think I will go have a cup of Kava tea, relax, and then start again. How about you?

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Anybody out there in Pain?

Fibromyalgia is a big fancy word for muscle and joint pain. I believe doctors had to come up with a fancy word no one can spell just to cover themselves. Besides, the insurance company won't pay if the problem doesn't have a fancy word.

Fibromyalgia is a good catch all word. If it isn't arthritis or a pulled muscle and it doesn't respond well to a prescription then it must be Fibromyalgia.

Don't get me wrong I am not saying the pain is not real.

I believe the big problem is that the medical community treats the symptoms instead of the cause.

If your body is too acidic you are going to have a break down in the joints and tissues.

Read the rest of this article at Answers For Your Health - Pain

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Saturday, February 12, 2005

Focus to Improve Your Health by Getting Rid of Stress

I just finished my Zuma game. If you play on-line or other video games, you probably know the site.

Zuma is a “marble” game. There are 4 puzzles and 4 levels. Each puzzle gets harder and each level is harder still.

To win, I have to focus. I have to be so absorbed in the game that I shut out all distractions. Whatever problems my mind is trying to deal with are pushed into a quiet corner. When the game is over, win or lose, I often find that suddenly the answers I need are right in front of me.

As I begin to move on to the rest of my day, I am both calm and invigorated. My body feels invigorated from the “exercise”. I have been chasing those marbles and shooting them down.

Those marbles are symbols for my problems. They become fat cells, and headache pain. They are bills and chores and deadlines. I pour all my energy into the game and in my mind I am defeating each and every obstacle.

I guess you could call it a form of meditation. The game is also a commentary of life. Sometimes, the game just won’t give me the right color and I lose. “Not fair”, I cry. Oh well, sometimes life is just not fair.

Sometimes you take all the right steps and “it” still falls apart. The flu suddenly shows up or a tire goes flat. Your ISP is down or you just can’t make that software do what it is supposed to do.

Raging against the “unfair” is a waste of time and damages your brain and body. The stress you create because you are feeling sorry for yourself because something went wrong – well that stress can make you sick. Stress weakens the body and invites the immune system to allow invaders to take up residence.

It is a documented fact that you can kill the invaders with your mind. So I give you permission to play an on-line game, or watch your favorite TV show, or read a few chapters in that book. Distract your conscious mind from the problem or the perceived problem. Allow your subconscious mind to deal with the problem in the best way possible. Open your mind to the possible solutions that your subconscious will give you.

Those solutions might be in a song that keeps going thru your mind. It might be in a chance meeting with another person or a phone call. It just might be that you can kill every one of those flu germs when you are playing that video game.

Afraid of spiders –have a laugh by checking out this wonderful blog.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

HGH and Exercise

I subscribe to many "health" newsletters. About 50% of them are just selling an affiliate product or 2 or 10. Some are published by nurses or doctors or nutritionists. Does it carry more weight when published by a professional? Yes, but the problem is what if what they are saying doesn't make any sense.

I also check out products like hgh. I purchased a 90 day supply of z-labs hgh per the literature on the sales page. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back.
The literature said must use for 90 days to see full effect. At the end of 90 days I contacted them for a refund. I saw no positive effects and in fact did a 5 lb weight gain. On the refund page I found the small print. Refunds for 30 days only. They have not responded to my request for refund or even acknowledged that request. Not a store I can recommend that you use. (side note: they do continue to send me ads to buy more products.)

The best hgh product I have found in 2 years is from Gero-Vita. Darn - I am not an affiliate for them.

Anybody out there using an hgh product? What brand and is it working for you? Or, do you have a sob story like mine?

I read an interesting commentary on aerobic exercise the other day. Seems it is not all it is cracked up to be. Based on the original fight or flight adrenalin rush, the all-out work-out should not last an hour. You didn't run from that tiger for an hour. You either escaped or were eaten within the first 10 minutes. Soooo.... now the thought is that you need to exercise hard only for a couple of minutes but you need to do it several times a day.

I'm thinking you need to just kill the tiger.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Part 3 Fasting for Your Home

Part 3 If fasting is a way to clean up your Body, then put your home environment on a fast too!

Cleaning the house, now there is a good way to introduce toxins into the home.
Most cleaning products on the grocery shelf are more toxic (in a different way) than the dirt and germs they are cleaning.

Cleaning the carpet can be more harmful to your body than the dirt and spots ever were. Your eyes see clean, but your lungs and skin say ouch.

Flea medications on Rover and Kitty rub off on the furniture and then you.

I put a well known brand of flea killer on my cat. Poor cat was sick for days with a huge red welt where the flea killer was put on her skin. She wouldn’t eat and was just listless for day. It did kill the fleas but they were back in time. She gets to go outside during nice weather and eat the grass. Now I just rely on herbs and a good non toxic soap for bathing to keep her flea free. She hates the bath.

I must also mention that I got some of the flea killer liquid on my fingers. They blistered and I had a headache for days. I react very strongly to any bug killer. About 20 years ago, I sprayed my peach trees for bores. Young and stupid, I did not have on shoes. Everything else on my body was covered. I almost ended up in the hospital and the drugs they put me on were almost as bad. Symptoms, you could fry an egg on the palms of my hands and the soles of my feet. I could not walk for a week. The instructions for the medications I was given included drinking about 8 glasses of water a day. Hmm what did the most good – the steroids or the water?

Ok, what does all this have to do with fasting? The one day weekly fast encourages the body to give up the stored toxins. The body is going to try to quarantine all those toxins every day.

Try as we might, most people do not come close to drinking the amount of plain water needed to wash the daily toxin intake – out. I know better, but coffee is on my must have list. I don’t drink it after 10 am but it is a whole pot. The rest of my day and evening is tea. I make my coffee and tea with distilled water. Most days – not all, I fill a 16 oz bottle with water and sit it on my desk. By the end of the day, I have finished it. I can’t change my environment that much, but I can fight back.

I take Milk Thistle on a daily basis. When I fast, I double the amount I take. Why? Milk Thistle is primary in the support of the Liver, which has to filter everything you put in your body. During a fast, remember you are releasing stored toxins and the liver must deal with them. You can only stretch a rubber band just so far and it will snap. You can only stress your liver just so much and you then you will cause damage.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

part 2 Fasting

Part two – Thank your fat for trying to protect you from toxins

Those fat cells are protecting the body by choosing between the lesser of two evils. Since survival is the #1 goal of the body mechanisms that fat is going to remain until you get rid of the toxins.

You fast for 2 days. You don’t take in anything but water. Your body burns up a lot of fat cells and muscle cells and releases the quarantined toxins. No problem, you are drinking lots and lots of water and those toxins are down the drain.

If you have never fasted, you would do well to go on a juice fast rather than just water. Your bowel is stuffed with old rotted food and you will need some help to clean it out.

You will need to add a pro-biotic to your daily supplement intake to replace the good bacteria in the bowel. (Note – when you buy the bottle of capsules, once you open them you need to refrigerate them. The store should have a fresh supply and keep them refrigerated before you buy them. Otherwise you are taking a dead pill. Taking a pro-biotic on a daily basis is a good idea. All viruses are eliminated from the body by either vomit or stool. A healthy bowel is a fast way to move that virus out of your system.)

OK, back to the fast. You go back to food but not what used to be “normal” food. No fried stuff, no starches, no sugars. You start with a little soup with a clear stock. Would that be chicken noodle? You add some fresh fruit and vegetables. Humm says the body. Don’t need any fat cells – no toxins coming in. After two days you add in some protein from fish or red meat. You should be taking in enough calories to support your daily life but not your fat.

Or – you go back to regular food. Body screams in alarm. More Fat Cells, here comes the poisons. Protect the body, protect the brain, and protect the vital organs. Slowly the systems begin to degrade and heart disease and joint disease and brain disease gain foot holds. The results of bad diet are inevitable. You can only get from your body what you give it. The old computer saying is just as true for the body – Garbage In …Garbage Out.

A fast is a jump start to health. In the never ending quest for health, a routine weekly one day fast can be as important as that daily vitamin and mineral supplement.

Are you taking herbs to try and reverse a disease? That is a little like the prescription the doctor gives you to treat symptoms. You want to eliminate the cause of the disease and that involves your diet and environment. The herbs should be used to help the body repair itself and they will if the body’s environment and nutrition are cleaned up. Keeping symptoms at bay is not the same as eliminating the cause of a disease.

Even with the perfect diet, your body is bombarded with toxins from pollution in the air. The air quality of your home in most cases is worse than the air quality on a freeway. Newer homes are air tight and hold everything inside. Heating and cooling systems require that windows and doors be closed.

If you are not running a good quality (and they are not cheap) air cleaner in your home, please consider opening the door and an opposite window to freshen the air.

You track into your home all the outside crap on the bottom of your shoes. The Japanese knew what they were doing when they required the change of shoes at the door.

The dust in your home is partially made from dead skin cells. We won’t go into the dead bugs. Those dead skin cells contain the toxins released during the sweat process. Leave that dust lying around and you just breathe those toxins back into your body. Oh no, now we have to clean the house as well as the body.