Large Breed Dogs,perianal fistulas,allergies
Large Breed Dogs,perianal fistulas,allergies
Natures bounty and common sense can work wonders.
Fibromyalgia is a good catch all word. If it isn't arthritis or a pulled muscle and it doesn't respond well to a prescription then it must be Fibromyalgia.
Don't get me wrong I am not saying the pain is not real.
I believe the big problem is that the medical community treats the symptoms instead of the cause.
If your body is too acidic you are going to have a break down in the joints and tissues.
Read the rest of this article at Answers For Your Health - Pain
I also check out products like hgh. I purchased a 90 day supply of z-labs hgh per the literature on the sales page. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back.
The literature said must use for 90 days to see full effect. At the end of 90 days I contacted them for a refund. I saw no positive effects and in fact did a 5 lb weight gain. On the refund page I found the small print. Refunds for 30 days only. They have not responded to my request for refund or even acknowledged that request. Not a store I can recommend that you use. (side note: they do continue to send me ads to buy more products.)
The best hgh product I have found in 2 years is from Gero-Vita. Darn - I am not an affiliate for them.
Anybody out there using an hgh product? What brand and is it working for you? Or, do you have a sob story like mine?
I read an interesting commentary on aerobic exercise the other day. Seems it is not all it is cracked up to be. Based on the original fight or flight adrenalin rush, the all-out work-out should not last an hour. You didn't run from that tiger for an hour. You either escaped or were eaten within the first 10 minutes. Soooo.... now the thought is that you need to exercise hard only for a couple of minutes but you need to do it several times a day.
I'm thinking you need to just kill the tiger.