Thursday, December 28, 2006

Urine Test Strips For Bladder Cancer

I know you are thinking about next year and the perfect diet. Lots of you are living on chicken and turkey and avoiding red meat at all costs. This is an excerpt from an article I read recently. Just a heads up on cooking that chicken and its relationship to bladder cancer. The very inexpensive home test for early detection of bladder cancer -- Urine Test Strips.

...A study conducted by Harvard researchers found that people who eat bacon at least five times a week face a much greater risk of developing bladder cancer - 59% more than people who don't eat bacon.

For this study, scientists analyzed data collected from 88,471 women and 47,422 men (from the Nurse's Health Study and the Health Professionals Follow-Up Study, respectively). Some of the patients were monitored for up to 22 years. And over the course of the research, 808 participants developed bladder cancer.

They found that meat-eating in general did not appear to increase the risk of bladder cancer...but that eating bacon did.

They also learned of a more surprising apparent risk-raiser: skinless chicken. The data showed that people who ate skinless chicken 5 or more times a week faced a 52% higher risk of bladder cancer than those who ate chicken cooked with the skin on....

The results of this test also showed that the subjects who did routine urine tests for blood had a much higher survival rate. The minute traces of blood in your urine can be an indication of bladder cancer. Early detection always improves the cure rate.

So this is one thing for you to include in your plan for next year. Buy some test strips and use them every week. I checked and they are readily available on line and probably at your local health food store. Oh yah, strip that chicken skin off before you eat the chicken. But you knew that.

until next time smile
(c)copyright Answers For Your Health

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

New Year Resolutions and Merry Christmas

I want to give you some things to think about during this very busy time of year. You are focused on buying gifts and trimming trees and a holiday menu. You may have family and friends coming to stay turning your home into a hotel or you may be doing the traveling.

But, in the back of your mind, your thoughts are stirring around resolutions for the next year. Yes, now is a good time to start listing out your New Year Resolutions. It is an even better time to begin them.

Let's say that you want to lose a few pounds. Starting today, take a 10 minute walk. Eat a larger salad and a smaller portion of potatoes with your meal. Or start having a salad with your meal. Sip from your constant companion -- a glass of iced water. Today not tomorrow.

By the time January 1st gets here, you will already be in this habit and well on your way to changing a few more things to guarantee your successful weight loss.

If you still need a really good gift check out Amazon for a gift certificate.

If you do celebrate Christmas as a Christian holiday, did you ever think about what some other folks are celebrating?

Dec 21st is the Pagan Winter Solstice.

Dec 22nd is the Chinese Harvest Festival.

Dec 26th is Jewish Hanukkah..

Dec 31st is the Muslim Eid ul Adha.

All of these holidays have one fundamental thing that is the same. That is the belief in a higher presence or God. So thanks be to God and have a joyous holiday.

Please be generous with those collecting for the less fortunate. Every child should have a present for Christmas. Every human deserves a meal. For some people in this world, Christmas will only bring a crust of bread and hope for a better day.

Along that line, please remember the Life Straws. These small portable devices can save lives during times of disaster and sadly disasters are always with us.

If you are thinking that you would love to contribute but you just don't have the funds, then I have another link for you. This one won't cost you a cent, but could be the answer to your financial woes.

I hope you have heard of the movie - The Secret - and the belief that your mind controls your fate. You know that Law of Attraction is in place and cannot be repealed. There is a free tele-conference on Jan 3 that can answer your questions on this amazing process. This question and answer seminar is from Wealth Beyond Reason. It will not be selling anything or cost you any money other than what your telephone company charges for long distance.

I have been a member of Wealth Beyond Reason for a couple of years now. It works. And you would be amazed to find that the same thoughts that keep money away from you ----- keep the fat on you.

until next time - smile
(c)copyright Answers For Your

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

OverWeight--How long will you live?

I love the on line tests for health and longevity. You can be absolutely honest and see the answers without having to reveal yourself to anyone or your family. My Long Life is a simple on line test. You move the slide buttons and see how long you can expect to live. Then you can add in the advances in technology that can extend your life.

However, what I liked best about this particular test was the ability to take your not so good answers (you know the ones on weight and exercise and diet and smoking) and change them. Say losing weight --- changing that slide shows a dramatic change in life expectancy.

Perhaps it is the visual time line that really makes the impact. If you think of your life as a series of pages in a book----being over weight is like tearing out the last pages or maybe the last few chapters. Oh my gosh, how many Christmas mornings will you miss out on.

Depressing you say, No Joyful I say. You are alive. You can change. You and only you can put that food in your mouth. You and only you can change the odds and add the years.

until next time - smile

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Funny Lunesta commercial

Lunesta spoof

Christmas is a celebration of Life

Christmas is a time of joy for most people. Families sharing memories while decorating the tree. Remembering old friends and fun times. Remembering your own favorite Christmas as a child and that special present.

Christmas is special church services and school programs. Christmas is people smiling at strangers and wishing them a Merry Christmas or even the politically correct Happy Holidays.

For someone I know this Christmas will be the saddest ever. Yesterday one of the cashiers at our store was killed in a car accident on her way to work. She was only 19. She was a lovely child, always smiling and friendly. She actually looked at people. She had plans and dreams. My heart breaks for her parents.

Leo Buscaglia said The time of life is limited why not live it in joy. Take every opportunity at this time of year and every other single day to share your love. Do not face a day when someone is no longer around to give a hug or kiss and you regret not having shared the most basic expression of caring-- a hug and simple words of love.

Merry Christmas and a warm hug to you.
(c)Answers For Your Health

Monday, December 11, 2006

Beware the Christmas Scams

I picked up a couple of not too nice news items today. Hate to pass around bad news but some things you need to be aware of.

I purchased gift cards as some of my Christmas presents. After reading the following article I immediately checked them. There is no way anyone could have tampered with them or gotten any of the pertinent information. They are packaged so that the card is completely covered and it would be very evident if someone had opened the package. So just beware when you buy any gift cards.

credit card scam gift card

The other piece of news concerns child labor. We all dislike the major companies going overseas for cheap labor. However when we find that the labor used is children and that those children are being mistreated as well as working sweatshop hours, it puts those companies in a very bad light.

I understand that the faces the owners see are not the faces that are actually doing the work. However, if a news organization can find the truth, why does a company with a huge bottom line not take the time to do the same. Perhaps we need to do something to cut back that bottom line.

Child Labor

Hope you are almost done with your Christmas shopping. I only have 3 more gifts to buy and that will happen this coming payday.

Please remember the less fortunate in this world. Give to Toys for Tots and give children a positive hope for the future. The online community shares in this great project. You can donate at The 6th Annual Internet Toy Drive
Payment is made thru Paypal and the Paypal fees are paid by the organizer so every penny you donate goes to Toys for Tots.

Hi Ho Hi HO its off to work I go. Until next time smile
Answers For Your Health

Friday, December 01, 2006

Sleep the Great Healer

I could have just as easily called this post Lack of Sleep, the Great Disabler. I can fully understand why lack of sleep leads to depression, paranoia, disease and troubled relationships.

Nothing makes you appreciate a problem like walking a mile in someone else's shoes. My schedule at work has turned me into a monster. I rarely see my husband and seem to be always yelling at the children. I get home from work around 1 am. It takes me at least an hour to unwind and get a little bit sleepy. If my husband is snoring, it takes quite a while to get to sleep and I have often seen 3 am and 4 am on the clock. I must be up by 7 am to take care of the grand children.

I still have a house to clean, meals to cook, laundry to do and my web pages and this blog. You get the picture and it is not a pretty one.

Much as I would like to earn my living on the internet, not enough people react to the advertising on my pages, so off to the store I go. I have put in a request to work less hours or at least go home at 10 pm. That should take care of the lack of sleep problem. With the proper amount of sleep, I look forward to regaining my health and sanity. It takes 2 weeks for a request for shift change to process, so I am stuck with the hours for a while longer. The money will be great for Christmas.

On the rather bizarre side of this situation, I am gaining weight. Yes I know, it is vitally important to get sufficient sleep in order to take off weight. You would think that standing up for 6-8 hours every night would burn a lot of calories. However, I find myself eating when I get home at 1 am and then skipping breakfast.

I think the only thing saving me is the supplements I take every day. Well most every day, sometimes I am just to tired to think about them.

Bottom line, after Christmas I should be able to get more writing done. That means I will post to this blog so you will hear from me more often. I still have in mind to start a few more blogs on specific topics so we will see.

If you have time check out the new look for Answers For Your Health and all the sub sites.

until next time smile and try to get enough sleep.