Sunday, December 09, 2007

Holiday Tips For Safety

In your cell phone do you have these #'s
insurance company
emergency road service
especially when traveling during the holidays - house sitter or a neighbor, car rental company, airline, hotel front desk,

As the busy shopping season is upon us, and the longer you wait to shop, the more you become unaware of your surrounding because of stress.

We have already had some purse snatching incidents at the store. When shopping for groceries, snap the child safety belt through the handle of your purse. Never leave your purse in the cart unattended for even a second. A second is all it takes for someone to pick up your purse and keep walking.

When you get to your car with your groceries, don't just throw your purse in the front seat and then walk to the back to load groceries in your trunk. If you put your purse in the car, lock the door and hold the keys in your pocket or hand. If possible, get a carry out and have someone else load your groceries in the car while you hold your purse.

Remember always check the back seat of your car before getting in it. Don't park next to vans, don't leave packages in plain sight and if possible always shop with a companion. Stay in lighted areas at night and don't try to carry too many packages at once.

If you are alone, carry your car keys in your hand with the keys sticking out between your fingers. This gives you something to use as a weapon should someone approach you

This joyous time of year can be deadly for your pets.

It is best to not put any presents for your dog or cat under the tree, especially smelly treats. Left alone in the room that just invites your pet to sniff out the treats and open their presents early. Remember that your pet's sense of smell is many times stronger than your own.

I have written before about the year my mother-in-law sent us a box of chocolate candy. We did not know what was in the box until we got up one morning (before Christmas) and found the box shredded all over the floor and a very stuffed sick little dog.

Keep in mind that you should think of your pets the same way you would small toddlers. And just like children, they'll get their paws into anything you leave out. Our cat has already discovered that she can climb the tree and hide in the branches. We have elected to not put any tinsel on the tree as this is a most dangerous trimming.

Gift ribbons and bows can present a choking hazard. Pets can chew on them, choke or get them lodged in their intestines. Glass ornaments can break in your pet's mouth sending you on a emergency run to the vet.

Resist the temptation of putting a red ribbon around the cat's throat. Cute, but left unattended, animals can easily become hooked up on something and, in the worse case scenario, they can be strangled to death.

Most of us have heard that poinsettia plants are poisonous to pets. But that's not the only greenery associated with the Christmas season that can make them sick. As you deck the halls with boughs of holly, be mindful of setting them out of reach of your animals. Ivy, mistletoe and hibiscus plants can all be dangerous if your pet eats them.

And need I say that giving your pets all those delicious scraps after your holiday meal is an absolute no-no. Sure a taste of turkey is ok, but make very sure that no bones are present. Turkey bones, just like chicken bones, splinter easily and can perforate intestines.

Just as you will no doubt feel a little over stuffed and possibly even have some bowel problems after the rich holiday foods, you can throw your animals into a serious diarrhea situation by suddenly changing up their normal diet.

So keep this holiday safe and sane. Celebrate your own customs and enjoy family and friends.

If you are "alone" then share yourself with others in the same situation. Send cards to those far from home. There are many good Internet sites that give addresses to send cards to our service men. Consider helping to serve food at your local shelter. Perhaps you have some old but still in good condition blankets - those unfortunates living on the street have a great need. And don't forget the Christmas angels. Around here, this is a major source of gifts for those children that will not otherwise receive a present.

Give of yourself - the most precious gift of all.

Answers For Your Health

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