Sunday, November 04, 2007

Overeating and Fear of Loss

EFT for overeating and panic attacks – and interesting similarities between the two issues

You may or may not have put over eating problems together with a fear of not enough money or not enough love or any other not enough ------ that you have.

The issue of holding on to tightly to what you fear losing is very much related to being over weight.

Our brains have been compared to a computer and that logic requires that you acknowledge it's limitations. Yes your brain is multi-tasking at this very moment. You are reading this, your body is doing all it normal functions (heart beating, breathing) and you may being dealing with an outside distraction as well.

Simple things get priority. Your heart will continue beating, your digestive system will continue to work on that bagel and some part of your brain will remind you to send that birthday card.

But, just as you can lose a file on your computer by inadvertently saving it in the wrong place, you can confuse your brain. The fear of loss is one big file. In that file you have family, money, possessions, health, your car keys and by default your weight.

By putting weight loss in the same file as car keys, you prevent your brain from allowing that weight loss. It will try to hold on to that fat just as it tries to hold on to the placement of your car keys.

EFT is probably the easiest way I know to move that weight loss file into another place called good health.



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