Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Placebo Effect

It is big news in the medical world - doctors admit to prescribing placebos for some patients and those patients are not happy.

That seems to me that those people were unhappy because they were not sick in body. For whatever reason they felt the need to be sick.

On the other hand, what if they really were sick. Some doctors still scorn fibromyalgia in favor of hypochondria.

In this world of too many drugs with too many side effects, maybe a placebo is the best medicine. At least it can do no harm.

Years ago, my doctor at the time, scorned my use of supplements. He wanted me to stop taking them and instead go on prescriptions. I argued that those supplements worked and he angrily proclaimed that anything will work if you believe in it. Exactly. Most supplements are strong medicine. They make a difference and are well worth the effort.

Perhaps the most important thing for all of us to remember is to believe in health. Stop worrying about getting sick or old. Live today just as healthy as you can.

I ran across an old article I published a few years ago. It is worth reading again.


In every day there is time to say thanks and there is a real need to remember all our blessings - all the good things that help to offset all the not so good things that we must deal with everyday.

Oh yes - go take your supplements.

until next time - laugh out loud

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Monday, October 27, 2008

What is Philosophy?

The dictionary defines philosophy as

1. The inquiry into the most comprehensive principles of reality in general. or of some limited sector of it such as human knowledge or human values.

2. The love of wisdom, and the search for it.

3. A philosophical system: also, a treatise on such a system.

4. The general laws that furnish the rational explanation of anything: the philosophy of banking.

5. Practical wisdom; fortitude, as in enduring reverses and suffering.

and the internet defines it as

6. A Skin Care System

Who could have guessed that my research into a topic my daughter was interested in would produce a skin care system. Anyone searching on Google for philosophy topics will see the skin care system as number one topic.

So if a Philosopher is

1. a student of or specialist in philosophy.

2. The creator of a system of philosophy.

3. One who lives, thinks, makes judgments, etc. according to a system of philosophy.

4. One who is calm and patient under all circumstances.

then is 5. the creator of the philosophy skin care system or the sales person.

The word philosophy comes from the Greek (what else) meaning lover of wisdom.

I would guess that most people have heard of the philosopher's stone -- An imaginary stone or substance capable of transmuting the baser metals into gold.

So is philosophy the skin care system the real philosopher's stone for aging skin. Is it worth trying - at the best it will do everything claimed and the worst you will be actively doing something to improve your skin.


To my mind, your philosophy is what you are living. You may not fall into a specific discipline because you have developed your philosophy by living your life with all the input you received from friends, family and perhaps most important those that had no love for you.

At the basic level you believe that you can change things or you believe that nothing you do will have any effect.

You say you believe in God, justice, equality, healthy living, sharing,learning, wisdom, happiness, the list goes on and on.

But, how do you live? Does your belief in God tell you to treat everyone else in the world as a much loved member of your family? Do you?

Do you treat yourself as a much loved member of your family?

Do you treat your body with respect, giving it nutrition and exercise. Do you treat your mind with respect, giving it the opportunity to continue to learn and think.

In this period of economic crisis do you live in hope or despair. This too will pass and in its passing will create change. Change is neither good nor bad -- only change. In the final analysis all life is lived from your own perspective of what is good or bad. And that is your philosophy.

until next time - smile
Answers for Your Health


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Only 63 days until Christmas

Guess what, there are only 63 days until Christmas. And that means --- dry winter skin is on the way.

In fact, dry winter skin has already started even if you can't see it yet. Temperatures are dropping and humidity is dropping and that means your skin is already getting dry. Now is the time to get started on the habit of lotion. Every time you put your hands in water and then dry them - put on that lotion. Just out of the shower or bath, lotion on the legs, arms, elbows, feet -- everywhere.

Now guys, this means you too. There are plenty of unscented lotions out there. This is not just a girly thing. As we age our skin gets thinner - fact of life. If you want to avoid wrinkles, skin tears and the dry scaleys - then lather on the lotion. Think of it as chap stick for your body.

You can plump up your skin by drinking plain water. And plain water will help your body in eliminating toxins without putting too much strain on your kidneys and liver. Plain water, flavor it up with lemon juice, fresh ground ginger, or try a sprig of mint. Just stay away from sugar.

I was sad to read this morning that the suicide rate for 40-60 year olds is going up and the expectation is that with the current economic situation this number will continue to rise. The age range that used to be a source of concern was teenagers and those over 65.

I can understand suicide when you have an incurable painful terminal disease, I don't necessarily agree but I understand. But killing yourself because of money or the lack of money, or losing possessions or having to give up a fancy house - social status. Do you really think your family wants the money more than they want you? Besides that, most insurance will not pay out if death is ruled suicide.

If you suspect someone you know is thinking about suicide or if that person is you, get help. Talk - talk to family or call your local help line.

If depression is clouding your day, stay away from the news. Stay away from TV shows that have violence. Focus on comedy movies and shows. The more you can laugh, the lighter the depression becomes until you can laugh at that too. If depression has left you unable to even function in simple areas, you need professional one on one help. Please talk to family and friends. If you feel you have no one to talk to, check your community resources for local counselors. Most cities have no cost counseling available if you cannot afford the cost.

until next time - laugh out loud


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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

When Vices are Good

I was grocery shopping the other day and saw an elderly lady in a motorized shopping cart. She had on an oxygen tank and her hands and fingers were twisted with arthritis. There is an assisted living home near this store and it provides a bus to the store twice a week.

Her small cart had a case of coke, cookies and shampoo. My first thought was that the coke was the worst thing she could do for her arthritis. Sugar is the primary food for inflammation and the whole food of cancer tumors.

I was talking to my husband about the incident later that day. His response was that the woman was old and probably close to the end of her life and why should she not have the things she wanted that made her day a little brighter.

I know people that live with an oxygen tank in constant use --- except when they light up that cigarette.

What do you think? At what point do we "allow" family and friends to enjoy their vices.

Did I tell you about the newest research that proves that living a healthy life style - diet , moderate exercise and stress control, leads to a longer healthier life. Gee, wonder how much money was spent on that study.

Received an ad in the mail. Cure all - electrically charged supplements. At $60.00 a bottle I certainly hope they work. The ingredients were all pretty common and found in most supplement combinations at a much lower cost but these were electrically charged. The colon cleanse formula had so many laxative action herbals that you would definitely have a colon cleanse. However, the recommendation was that you take this everyday for 30 days. If you did so, you would have some serious problems.

If you are going to clean out your colon (this really is a good thing) then you need to take some probiotics to replace the good bacteria or you are not going to get much nutrition from your food.

If you are going to take a laxative every day for 30 days you are going to pretty much do away with the natural action of your bowel and you will certainly have problems after you stop taking the pills.

Then there is the foot detox pads. What a disappointment.
An NPR experiment on Kinoki foot pads tested to see if they'd drawn anything out of a reporter's body.

Reporter Sarah Varney and her husband bought some “detoxifying” Kinoki foot pads and wore them to bed. In the morning, they both awoke find the pads covered in the brown mess that the advertisement had promised. But when they took the foot pads to a lab and had them analyzed and compared with unused pads, the used pads were almost identical to the blank.

Further experimentation showed that the “gunk” in the pads shows up if you hold the pad over a pot of boiling water. Who knew steam had "metabolic waste"?

The experts I read all say the same thing. Clean up your lifestyle before you go into any detox program. You really don't want to permanently damage your liver when you are trying to clean up your body.

First go with the common sense approach. Drink distilled water instead of the colas. No more sugar. Move your body every day --- walk and use free weights or drag out that bowflex and actually use it. Change up the ratio of Omega 3 and Omega 6 oils. 3 is good 6 is bad. Take a supplement of Milk Thistle to help your liver because just these few simple changes will start the detox process which includes losing a few pounds of pure toxic fat.

Oh, I posted an article with a list of the so called negative calorie foods.

until next time - smile
Sharon Issues Diet and Exercise

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