Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Only 63 days until Christmas

Guess what, there are only 63 days until Christmas. And that means --- dry winter skin is on the way.

In fact, dry winter skin has already started even if you can't see it yet. Temperatures are dropping and humidity is dropping and that means your skin is already getting dry. Now is the time to get started on the habit of lotion. Every time you put your hands in water and then dry them - put on that lotion. Just out of the shower or bath, lotion on the legs, arms, elbows, feet -- everywhere.

Now guys, this means you too. There are plenty of unscented lotions out there. This is not just a girly thing. As we age our skin gets thinner - fact of life. If you want to avoid wrinkles, skin tears and the dry scaleys - then lather on the lotion. Think of it as chap stick for your body.

You can plump up your skin by drinking plain water. And plain water will help your body in eliminating toxins without putting too much strain on your kidneys and liver. Plain water, flavor it up with lemon juice, fresh ground ginger, or try a sprig of mint. Just stay away from sugar.

I was sad to read this morning that the suicide rate for 40-60 year olds is going up and the expectation is that with the current economic situation this number will continue to rise. The age range that used to be a source of concern was teenagers and those over 65.

I can understand suicide when you have an incurable painful terminal disease, I don't necessarily agree but I understand. But killing yourself because of money or the lack of money, or losing possessions or having to give up a fancy house - social status. Do you really think your family wants the money more than they want you? Besides that, most insurance will not pay out if death is ruled suicide.

If you suspect someone you know is thinking about suicide or if that person is you, get help. Talk - talk to family or call your local help line.

If depression is clouding your day, stay away from the news. Stay away from TV shows that have violence. Focus on comedy movies and shows. The more you can laugh, the lighter the depression becomes until you can laugh at that too. If depression has left you unable to even function in simple areas, you need professional one on one help. Please talk to family and friends. If you feel you have no one to talk to, check your community resources for local counselors. Most cities have no cost counseling available if you cannot afford the cost.

until next time - laugh out loud


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