Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Grapefruit the Super Food

Eaten by millions loved by few and usually thickly covered in sugar with a cherry on top.

Still the grapefruit carries on in the quest for good health especially a healthy liver.

It is one of those habits you need to make that introduce grapefruit as the breakfast item you always eat or at least eat 4 times a week. Yes I know, it makes the coffee taste funny.

Grapefruit has a low GI of 48 and that means it is good for you. Studies have shown that it protects the liver from damages from toxins.

I believe there is a grapefruit diet for losing weight. No diet is good if it limits you to eating only certain foods. But adding grapefruit to your diet is a good way to increase weight loss.

Since it is going into winter as I write this, remember that grapefruit is a good source of vitamin C and that means fewer colds.

There are different types of grapefruit and each is touted as the best. There is the plain yellow vs the ruby red. Some experts will tell you that the red is better for you. I say just eat one. Actually eat one of each and then decide which you like better because if you don't like it you won't eat it. I think the red is a little bit sweeter. Don't buy a bag of grapefruit until you determine what you like and will eat. Most grocery stores have bins with individual fruit.

You don't have to eat a whole grapefruit each day. You can share half with your mate or cover it tightly so it doesn't dry out and eat the other half tomorrow.

OK, so you have never eaten a grapefruit and don't know where to start. You slice it in half, just as you would an orange. Then you need to use a knife to cut next to each membrane and around the outside edge. Each wedge should then just pop out with your spoon.

Alternately you can squeeze each half and just drink the juice.

If you are going for the juice, use both halves of the grapefruit. Just as with oranges, the thinner the skin, the more juice you will get. If you are going for juice, roll the grapefruit on the counter for a few seconds before you cut it.

Yes the after affect is that your milk or coffee with taste strange. Just give it a few minutes and you will be able to enjoy your milk or coffee or tea.

The main thing is don't cover the top with sugar. In an effort to get me to eat grapefruit my mother would put sugar on it. Yes, as a child I was fed lots of sugar.

Some children like the tart taste and some do not. Do not make the sugar mistake. Let the child grow up and develop a taste for tart. It is the same with onions, mushrooms, asparagus and tomatoes. Most children need to grow up a bit before they can learn to like these fruits and vegetables.

Laugh for today

The Safari

A big-game hunter went on safari with his wife and mother-in-law. One evening, while still deep in the jungle, the Mrs awoke to find her mother gone. Rushing to her husband, she insisted on them both trying to find her mother.

The hunter picked up his rifle, took a swig of whiskey, and started to look for her. In a clearing not far from the camp, they came upon a chilling sight: the mother-in-law was backed up against a thick, impenetrable bush, and a large male lion stood facing her.

The wife cried, "What are we going to do?"

"Nothing," said the hunter husband. "That stupid lion got himself into this mess, let him get himself out of it."

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Friday, November 09, 2007

What if you knew

what if you knew there were only 2 things that made you sick or fat? What if that number was 3? Would you be able to give up those 2 or 3 things? Sure you say -- without a second thought.

Now what if those 2 or 3 things had you addicted? Your body is so dependent on getting those things that it will cause you pain and suffering when you are going through detox. Irritation and anger and depression will be with you 24 hours a day for a week.

Still a pretty small amount of time compared to the rest of your life.

Since you are not alone in this world, what about your family, what if your husband or wife had 2 or 3 different things that made them sick or fat? What about the children?

The numbers are growing and this is becoming complicated. Still a life time of good health versus a shorter life time of sickness and disability.

Lets look at the case of a middle aged woman, over weight, metabolic syndrome, high blood pressure, arthritis and depression. History of failed diets, inability to exercise because of the arthritis, and long term use of physician prescribed steroids and drugs. She goes to a different type of doctor. He finds a chronic infection in an old root canal. That is the first thing to take care of before moving on to address her other complaints. She has multiple food intolerances and her body has encased these toxins in body fat.

With the chronic infection cured and her diet changed to one of simple whole foods with no sugar, no colas, no milk products she very quickly loses the excess pounds and the arthritis. The weight loss removes the metabolic syndrome and the high blood pressure. The non inflammatory diet removes the arthritis and the depression. She has been on a simple low-impact exercise program from the beginning and can now take walks. She is no longer in pain and depression is just a word. In 6 months she went from the beginning of death to the beginning of life.

Did she suffer while all of this was happening? I am sure she did but she was already suffering a great deal of pain.

There are blood tests to determine if you have food intolerances. In fact blood tests can now determine possible cancer as well as infection. Two major problems here. Insurance companies will not pay for these tests and the cost is high.

In this complicated world, doctors perpetuate disease and insurance companies fund this system. Alternative treatments are not covered and finding a competent doctor can be a frustrating search. What happened to plain old common sense? Isn't it more financially prudent to prevent heart disease than to replace the heart? Isn't it more financially responsible to prevent obesity than to do a stomach bi-pass?

For most of us it comes down to taking our health care into our own hands. Eliminate the most common toxic inflammatory foods from your diet. These include processed sugar, colas, milk and milk products, fried foods and processed cooking oils, processed and stripped grains and the MSG additive found in 99% of canned or frozen foods. Our tap water has mercury the most common toxic chemical in our bodies. Depending on the current health of your body, you may or may not be able to flush toxic chemicals from your system on a daily basis.

Look at your own body for chronic infections. Sinus infection and yeast infections are the most common. Are you still smoking? Do you walk a mile at least 3 times a week? Are you doing resistance exercise to build or maintain muscle?

In the end it comes down to how long do you want to live and what quality of life do you want to have. Yes it is up to you. Genetics play a part but your daily habits are the driving force. Pain now for a few weeks or pain later that devastates your quality of life.

It is easy to say I will do these changes ----- tomorrow. Today I feel fine, oh maybe a little tired, a little brain fogged, or little stiff in the joints, but after all I am getting older. I don't have to worry about those diseases for another 20 or 30 years.

You don't have to worry about them when you can simply eliminate them!


Sunday, November 04, 2007

Overeating and Fear of Loss

EFT for overeating and panic attacks – and interesting similarities between the two issues

You may or may not have put over eating problems together with a fear of not enough money or not enough love or any other not enough ------ that you have.

The issue of holding on to tightly to what you fear losing is very much related to being over weight.

Our brains have been compared to a computer and that logic requires that you acknowledge it's limitations. Yes your brain is multi-tasking at this very moment. You are reading this, your body is doing all it normal functions (heart beating, breathing) and you may being dealing with an outside distraction as well.

Simple things get priority. Your heart will continue beating, your digestive system will continue to work on that bagel and some part of your brain will remind you to send that birthday card.

But, just as you can lose a file on your computer by inadvertently saving it in the wrong place, you can confuse your brain. The fear of loss is one big file. In that file you have family, money, possessions, health, your car keys and by default your weight.

By putting weight loss in the same file as car keys, you prevent your brain from allowing that weight loss. It will try to hold on to that fat just as it tries to hold on to the placement of your car keys.

EFT is probably the easiest way I know to move that weight loss file into another place called good health.
