Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Reasons not to take a Walk

I have heard a lot of reasons not to take a walk. They are reasonable reasons but not insurmountable reason. Once you apply a little out of the box thinking, they turn from reasons to excuses.

Reason 1. I might have to go to the bathroom and with no bathroom readily available, I would have an accident.

Valid -- Do you have a potty problem? It could be either bowel or bladder -- makes no difference.

First, does taking a walk make your bowel more active. It should and in fact could eliminate the need for those laxatives you have been taking. I can understand not wanting to be a mile from home when the need to move your bowels strikes.

You could go for a walk after your normal elimination.

You could go for a walk in a mall, making small circuits that keep you close to the bathroom until after your bowel has moved.

You could walk in your home. Can't get much closer than that. Just keep moving through the rooms for at least 10 minutes. You could set the kitchen timer. Don't stop to pick up anything. If you feel the need to go to the bathroom, you are right there and can pick up your walk again. Or at that point you could go outside and walk around the block.

Reason 2. This is also valid - I might stumble and fall. Or I might slide and fall on the ice.

I can easily understand reason 2. I have taken 2 pretty nasty falls in my neighborhood. The sidewalks are so uneven that tripping is a real problem. I now walk in the street. I can't do that with the grandchildren, so some sidewalk walks are necessary.

Wear good shoes that are closed front and back to reduce the incident of slides and stumbles. Tennis shoes are a good choice.

Much as you would like to just look at the scenery - keep an eye on the ground in front of your feet.

The safer option is to walk at the mall. But you can't drive to the mall -- ok back to walk around the house. Set the timer and just know that you will keep walking until it dings.

Go for 10 minute walks - I find that longer than that in a house-walk is just too boring. If you are lucky enough to have a treadmill, so much the better and the longer if you want. You will get just as much benefit from three 10 minute walks as from a 30 minute walk.

Treadmills are good if you have the available floor space. That might be as good Santa present.

You can throw in some aerobics in your house-walk if you have some steps. Put on some music and you can do a few dance steps and swirls if you have the floor space. You don't want to knock over a lamp. If you just can't miss that TV show, hey how much will you miss walking around the rooms near the TV.

A 19th century Jesuit priest called Anthony de Mello wrote a book called 'One Minute Wisdom' that upset the church. They didn't like that it mixed Eastern and Western philosophies.

Here is a short quote from that book

To the disciples who were always asking for words of wisdom the Master said, "Wisdom is not expressed in words. It reveals itself in action."

But when he saw them plunge headlong into activity, he laughed aloud and said, "That isn't action. That's motion."
courtesy http://www.kickstartdaily.com

Well your house-walk may not bring you wisdom, but it will bring you health with motion. And the action part - that is putting an exercise plan into practice. Wisdom would indicate the need for health.

until next time Smile

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whatever the reasons is for not taking any walk, it is for me unreasonable. Walking is a great natural exercise. Why not walk every time you are doing some reasonable things that involves walking? Our foot is here to use for walking.

2:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny, I say the same thing about running. I think everybody should get out and jog..yet reasons seem to be nothing more than excuses. Ha.

10:01 AM  

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