Sunday, November 23, 2008

General Medicine and Individual Patients

Just read about an interesting study of asthma. It indicated that children born in the fall tend to have asthma more than children born any other time of year.

OK. I have one child born in April suffers from allergies and one born the end of August and she suffers from asthma - not enough to slow her down much. But as she gets older she has more lung infections pneumonia and bronchitis. She showed no signs of asthma until she was a young adult.

The conclusion of the study was that children born in the fall suffer from more cold and flu and cold weather illness than other babies because they are exposed to more cold weather illnesses.

Ok so the child born in the spring suffers from allergies because she was born in a time of new growth and blowing seeds.

Oh yes, the recommendation for these new babies - more vaccines and medicines to prevent any illness to avoid asthma. Gee, I wonder who funded this study.

Maybe the real problem is just a generalization of people. Putting people in classes or boxes according to when they were born or who their parents were. There is little or no individual treatment anymore.

When I go to the doctor for my annual physical, I am not Sharon with this complaint or that. I am boxes on a check list. Age, gender, weight, blood pressure, how many children, past illnesses and surgeries. These tests are due for your age. These symptoms are normal for your age group. Test results are all within the wide normal range. Go away now and come back in 6 months or a year so I can collect my fee.

I asked my doctor a simple question and was put off with make an appointment and we can talk about that. That question was outside the scope of the definition of this appointment and the set insurance fee that went with it.

Oh, I do so much miss going to a military doctor. They had their drawbacks too, but not being able to talk to them was not one. They had no set criteria for what could be discussed during an appointment. You could ask questions and get answers, even if the answer was I don't know. Ok so there were a few that said that is not my area make an appointment with another department.

I want a doctor who sees me as an individual. A doctor who sees each of my children and my husband and my mother-in-law and every other person who comes in their office as an individual. Fine, look at the norms for that age, gender and general physical appearance, but don't just blindly apply them.

A few years ago I got a new pair of glasses. Along with being blind as a bat, I have an astigmatism. The new glasses just weren't right. I took them back to the shop and asked them to recheck the glasses. The answer was the lens were within parameters. I went back to the doctor. She checked them and said the astigmatism correction was slightly off. I went back to Eye Masters and told them one lens was slightly off. The first answer I was given was they were within the standard + or - range.

I asked for the manager and explained that I could not see properly through the glasses and why. He never questioned or defended, he simply took the glasses and went to the back to see what they could do with the one lens. Yes it was fixed. It was not too difficult a proposition to align the lens properly. I was happy and could see. It did not matter that the error was within acceptable for them limits. It was not acceptable for me. And yes, I still go to them for all my glasses.

Generalizations are good as a starting point. But then, you must start breaking it down into smaller pieces that may or may not fit your puzzle. Your symptoms fit something, don't allow your doctor to put you in a category and dismiss you. Those test results should not stand alone but be combined with a consideration of your symptoms. Just because you fit somewhere in a + or - group doesn't mean it is right.

Ouch, that ended on a rather angry note. My goal is to give you information but it is also to inspire you to be better each day. Anger has a place, but it is a small space.

until next time - smile

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Blogger Wild Wise Woman Blogs said...

You have a right to express that anger. The insurance industry and the pharmaceuticals now determine how doctors practice medicine and how much time they spend with patients. It's up to us to learn how to take care of ourselves...then we don't need to depend on the medical system as much as we have become accustomed.

8:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The sad truth is that the vast amount of 'our' doctors are self absorbed in making a lucrative income and not so much in serving their patients. The pressure is for our doctors to prescribe as many pharmaceutical drugs as they can for an esay fix rather then to take the time neccessary with their patients and establish a real understanding of their medical needs. As a naturalist I long for the 'good ole days when doctors made house calls and called you a friend not just another insurance claim number. Thanks for the platform. Gary

7:40 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

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9:03 PM  

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