Monday, January 26, 2009

Dry Winter Skin

Oh what a beautiful day

Monday, gray dreary misty. Yuck.

How wonderful -- another day. Another day to try to improve, another day to spend with my friends and family. Another day to enjoy. Wonderful swirling mist with the bare winter trees peaking out. So serene. Moisture to easy my dry winter skin. Moisture after a month of none. Even the birds are quiet barely speaking to the day. My neighborhood squirrel is sleeping in and has not yet added his scolding to the sounds of the morning.

The way you look at each day is a matter of choice. Same day same people different attitude and outlook.

Like all things, this too will pass. When I drag the trashcans down to the curb in a little while, I will be shivering in the cold. When the dogs go in and out today they will leave wet dirty tracks across my stone tile floors. (On the other hand, I won't have to mop today - not much point)

Oh, that dry winter skin. Because it is cold, I spend longer in the shower just soaking up the hot water. Your choice may be to soak in a hot tub. Either way, we are just leeching the moisture out of our skin. And regretfully, older skin does not have that much moisture to start with before we stick it in hot water.

My husband is very much a "man". He puts on the lotion in the winter, but does it privately so no one can see - it is not a manly thing to do. Come on guys, what would you rather have, dry scaly itchy skin or a little unscented lotion. I know there are lots of manly lotions out there but that can makes a bit of overkill on the fragrance. You have learned to put on chap stick to keep your lips from cracking. Life will be much more comfortable with a little manly lotion.

Ladies, I am sorry but if you put scented lotions on, you are adding to the clash of smells. Just consider how many different smells you put on. Make up, hair products, body wash, lotions and then a spritz of perfume. For many ladies, the end result is an overpowering mix of scents that can make your eyes water.

I had a lovely lady as a customer many years ago. She was always elegantly dressed, hair perfect and make up that would make a teenager blush. The clerks in the store fought -- to not have to wait on her. She stunk so badly that only the strongest stomach could stand the encounter. I am sure she bathed once a month if she needed it or not. However, deodorant was not in daily use and strong rose scented perfume was.

Older folks are encouraged to NOT bath daily. They seldom get really sweaty and their skin is thin fragile and dry. I agree. However, don't make the mistake of using scent to cover smell - it does not work.

For older folks, use a lukewarm washcloth to wipe the skin to remove daily soil and sweat. Use an unscented lotion lavishly - not perfume. If you are a care giver for an older person, use gentle strokes with that washcloth, you don't want to damage the skin.

What kind of lotion? I have known people who used Vaseline daily. I know people who use the expensive $40 a bottle stuff. I know people who use the $.99 specials. What works for you.

You want to put on your lotion while your skin is slightly damp. Guys, don't just put lotion on your hands, smooth it all the way to your elbows.

This is not a vanity thing. This is a health issue. Skin tears are an open invitation to infection.

So buy an extra bottle of lotion. Try different brands, you can go on the internet and find coupons for the more expensive ones. And if you don't like the smell or the way it feels, then use it on your feet and get something else for your hands and arms. Oh, if you try the Vaseline - a little goes a very long way.

Yes, that old recommendation that you slather on lotion and then put on cotton gloves before bed - it does work. I just can't sleep with gloves or socks, so I put some TV time to double duty and just moisturize while I'm entertaining my brain.

Dry skin gets to everybody in the winter. For us older folks, it goes beyond inconvenience and becomes a trial. Little things like an extra glass of water and a little lotion go a long way in keeping skin soft and healthy.

until next time - smile and stay warm

Answers For Your Health

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Thursday, January 22, 2009

Why take that supplement?

Do you know why you take that supplement? Yes, the one in your hand right now. Or is it just that you have taken it for so long that it is just part of your routine?

Do you take a Lecithin supplement? You can take it in capsule form or sprinkle granules on cereals or soups. You get some naturally as part of your brewer's yeast, whole grains, legumes, fish and wheat germ.

Can you take too much? I doubt it. Lecithin is a lipid that is needed by every living cell in your body. Cell membranes are mostly composed of lecithin. The protective sheath around your brain is composed of lecithin.

Lecithin contains B vitamin choline, linoleic acid and inositol. It is a lipid but is partly soluble in water and acts as an emulsifying agent.

What parts of the body does it help? Easier to say what it does not help.

Let's see, helps to prevent arteriosclerosis, improves brain function, guards against heart disease, improves energy, helps repair the liver.

Lecithin enables fats (bad cholesterol) to be mixed in the water in your body and thereby removed from the body preventing that dreaded fatty buildup in the arteries.

I remember years ago when I was in my very early 20's. My grandmother told me to take a Lecithin supplement. She said it was the most important pill I could take. She lived into her late 80's and was still driving herself around and working on the family genealogy until the end - and still taking her lecithin everyday.

If you don't take Lecithin, start. It becomes even more important as we age. If you are like my mother-in-law and can't swallow pills, just get the granules and sprinkle away.

until next time - smile
Answers For Your Health

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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Indigestion, Acid Reflux and night time woes

You are tired and just want to sleep. Morning is going to come early. You should have gone to bed an hour ago but the end of the show or game was too interesting. You can't sleep late so you will just have to suck it up.

We have all been there and survived. In fact when we were young, that was the norm. Even if we had know that sleep would have an affect on our health when we were older -- wouldn't have mattered in the mind of "that happens to someone else".

But the real heartbreak is when you wake up just a few hours into sleep with indigestion (dyspepsia) or worse acid reflux. With the advent of prescription antacids - acid reflux became a separate term rather than being included in indigestion.

The medical dictionary defines indigestion as incomplete or imperfect digestion, usually accompanied by one or more of the following symptoms: pain, nausea and vomiting, heartburn and acid regurgitation, accumulation of gas and belching.

Indigestion pain makes you wonder if you are having a heart attack. Do you struggle to reach your bottle of Tums or some other just as chalky "cure"?

Acid reflux, the taste rising in your throat sends you to the bathroom to throw up and the burning sensation just won't be turned off or swallowed away. Again do you go for the antacids?

The first thing you should know is that you probably do not have enough stomach acid to digest your food instead of the TV ads that tell you that you have too much.

If you have the correct stomach ph your food will be digested easily long before you go to bed if bed time is at least 4 hours after eating.

1. Did you chew food thoroughly or gulp it down almost whole
2. Did you stuff your stomach with too much food because it was soo good
3. Did you drink lots of water with your food - watering down the stomach acid
4. Did you mix all types of food - red meat, salad, vegetables and fruit
5. Did you eat late and then snack while watching that last hour of TV

Before you pack your intestines and bowel with rotting food that has not been digested try some of these ideas.

At every meal, eat slowly and chew food to mush. That not only gives you time to realize that you are full, but it takes the strain off your digestive system.

If you don't put excess food in your stomach, there is plenty of room for it to churn and process and move into the intestines.

Different foods require different digestive enzymes to process them. If you have a mix of food types your stomach, often it is confused about what enzyme to produce and leaves some foods just sitting. If you must mix types, then have a bite of meat first to signal your body that heavy duty enzymes are needed.

Also most effective is to take digestive enzymes with your meals especially if you are having problems with indigestion and acid reflux.

Don't drink a glass of water or milk or soda or anything with your meal. Yes a sip or two is fine but the more you drink the more you reduce the amount of stomach acid and the ability to digest the food.

I know, all diets tell you to drink lots of water to fill you up and reduce the amount of food you take in. Drink your water in between meals. Eating slowing will reduce the amount of food you take in.

In this time of economic crunch, you are probably trying to reduce your grocery bill. One of the easy ways to do this is to stretch the food - have less at each meal. Do you really need a pound steak for each person?

Cook less food or at least put less food on the table, putting the "left-overs" away before you eat. If your eyes complain, use smaller plates.

The next big question comes after the meal is ended. How much do you eat between then and when you crawl into bed? Like most people you probably have a substantial meal at night. Your stomach is not prepared to take in any more food for at least 4-6 hours depending on what you ate.

If you pack on the snacks they have no where to go but up.

Talk to your doctor about persistent indigestion and or acid reflux. Stomach acid was not meant to be in your esophagus and can cause permanent damage. Your physician will probably give you antacids - over the counter or prescription. Only your healthcare professional can determine how much damage has already been done.

The majority of people just go to the local drug store and buy some antacides. Don't live with this particular pain. If you change your eating habits and nothing helps you must see your doctor. Continued acid reflux can lead to deadly results.

Please, change your eating habits and give your body a chance to do the right thing.

until next time - smile

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Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Bright Shiny Goal

What is your Bright Shiny Goal? Is it better health, more money, a new job, a new mate, surviving the next operation or cancer treatment, or maybe to smile and laugh a little more.

What, you thought I was gone never to return. No such luck. I'm still here with my own particular take on life. I took an extended vacation in my own little world with lots of family and holidays. I worked only on my web site and really did little on the computer except play games and fry my keyboard when I over watered the many plants on my desk.

Of course at this time of year I will address the issues of New Year's Resolutions -- most of which most of you have already broken just 11 days into the year.

The two biggest resolutions deal with losing weight and having more money. Rightly so, the mind set concerning these two issues is closing tied together. In fact it is a knot.

The fear of losing any money or possessions translates in your brain to a general fear of losing of not letting go and that includes stored fat. After all it is your possession.

Once again I recommend EFT. Using this simply no cost tool can open your mind to a whole new world of possibilities. You can even watch videos on the web site that demonstrate just how simple this system is. I think it is as close to the magic silver bullet as anything can be. You have nothing to lose but a few minutes of your time to try it. It doesn't even matter if you believe it will work or if you are sure it will not. There are many people who were positive that EFT would have no effect and were surprised when it did.

My second recommendation is fun and healthy. Wii Fit My daughter bought a Wii and a Wii fit for herself and the family. From Yoga to games, the whole thing is designed to move your body in a fun and not boring routine. It will even weigh you and give you a BMI which you can password protect to keep other member of your family from knowing your secrets.

This small easy to use unit will show you quick results -- if you use it everyday. Like any exercise if you use it hit and miss your results will take a little longer. It easily adjusts to any skill level and if you think that mat is a little small and your balance is a little uneasy -- just put a chair next to the mat to hold on to. Have fun, I know I am.

I wish you a healthy and prosperous New Year. We can be better tomorrow than we are today.

until next time - smile