Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Marketing the Miracle Cure

I received an invitation to join a group that is pushing a miracle cure. The web site does not proclaim a miracle cure - that would be against the law. But it does encourage the individual sellers to use the words from their own experience with the product.

On the whole is is as good a product as you can find in any health food store only more expensive. After all they have to pay a commission to all the people in any line of the marketing chain. And those poor people all have to pay a monthly fee for the privilege of selling the product and the opportunity of bringing in more people under their name to sell the product and earn them even more commissions.

Go to the health food store. Oh yes, it was a "special" form of blue-green algae.

The latest thing in the medical news is that keeping a food journal lends itself to losing more weight. Everybody already knew that, but now we have documented expensive research to prove it. Does that make it work better?

Exactly what is it that gives keeping a food journal the power to help you lose more weight?

Honesty. If you are honest about what you eat and how much you eat, then it is easy to see where the excess calories come from. If you drink 3 sodas a day and eat a take out hamburger then you can clearly see the calorie count at the end of the day.

The other benefit is memory. It is easy to forget that one cookie or a handful of chips or even the apple. But by forcing yourself to carry around that little pad and pencil you make a conscious choice to eat, drink and write - or pass it up. You end up with that little diet conscious angel on your shoulder whispering -- do you really want to have to write that down.

From the Fat Resistant Diet come this handy little tip about Fresh Parsley

High in antioxidants and Vitamin C , fresh parsley should be on any short list of healthy summer foods. This fresh herb is also a carotenoid champ, with zeaxanthin, lutein and beta carotene for maintaining healthy vision. Look for a fresh bunch of parsley at the supermarket or farmer’s market and start eating green. Sprinkle a little of this fresh herb onto your favorite dishes and new recipes and see how they come to life.
I cooked a new for me chicken dish last night - yum. You brown the chicken breast and set it aside. Then you bring to a boil chicken broth and orange juice add in brown rice, chopped onion and the chicken and cook until done. Fry some orange slices for garnish ---- and add chopped parsley to the rice. Rave reviews from the family and a nice helping of fresh fruit and vegetables. We had green beans. Let me know if you need the exact recipe.

until next time - smile
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