Thursday, June 26, 2008

Planning on Swimming in the Ocean?

Wanted to pass on a new report about swimming in the ocean. Seems there is more to be afraid of than sharks and jellyfish.

Beach Bacteria: A Deadly Threat for Some
Rare But Potentially Deadly Bacteria May Be Carried in Ocean Surf

In the most recent e-publication of the Journal of Microbiology, Karen Blackwell and James Oliver of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte review the presence of the dangerous vibrio bacteria species in estuarine and sea water in North Carolina.

Vibrio bacteria, also known as marine vibrios, are responsible for a number of severe infections in people exposed to sea water or raw shellfish, particularly oysters. Infections from this germ, which multiplies extremely rapidly, are particularly dangerous among people with altered immune systems, such as those with diabetes and liver disease.

These bacteria are found in seawater around the world, but particularly in warmer climates during the summer time.

Unfortunately, many people have the false impression that seawater is good for cuts and wounds. This simply is not true. ..............

I have always loved the beach. I have been in the Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Gulf of Mexico and the Bahamas. We used to go to Corpus Christi quite often, but the beaches have become so dirty and potentially dangerous with all the washed up trash that we rarely go down there anymore. Yet, in my mind I still see the beautiful beaches of my childhood.

For most people, one more bacteria in the ocean will not stop a swim, but if you have a compromised health system that would not be a good idea. Watch out for any cuts or scrapes that tear the skin. Oh, don't think that lakes have not been polluted as well. Soap and clean water is still your best primary defense.

until next time - smile


Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Rising Cost of Health Care

The rising cost of health care may not be what you would think. According to several articles on my desk at the moment are indications that the cost is due to over care -- or you could call it over kill.

From one point of view the more visits, the more prescriptions, the more hospital time, the more tests ---- result in more death.

Add together the incidents of wrong diagnosis, wrong prescription dosages, ineffective infection control and bad drug interactions and you have a staggering number of unnecessary deaths.

Advertising on TV is at an all time high for prescription drugs. Pharmacy companies are more than willing to pay the cost of advertising because their profits are also at an all time high. More and more people are running off to the doctor to get their pill for a golden life - disregarding all those fine print warnings that call attention to the side effects.

We have become overweight due to diet and lack of exercise - those conditions have produced diseases from high blood pressure to ED to diabetes and arthritis. Now those symptoms are treated with more and more drugs when the cure is proper diet and healthy exercise.

We are looking at more and more incidents of disability and death that could have been prevented with simple changes to life style. I said simple not easy. If it was easy, we would all be in perfect health.

On the prevention subject, consider this little tidbit from a recent health report on Cinnamon


As an anti-inflammatory agent, cinnamon may be useful in preventing or mitigating arthritis as well as cardiovascular disease. And as scientists increasingly understand the relationship between inflammation and insulin function in Alzheimer’s (causing some to refer to the neurodegenerative disease as “type 3 diabetes”), cinnamon’s ability to block inflammation and enhance insulin function may make it useful in combating that disease as well.

McCarty MF Toward prevention of Alzheimers disease--potential nutraceutical strategies for suppressing the production of amyloid beta peptides. Med Hypotheses. 2006;67(4):682-97. Epub 2006 Jul 7

The following is taken right from the pages of the Journal of the American Medical Association (July 26, 2000): "Of 13 countries in a recent (health) comparison, the United States (the most modern and advanced in the world) ranks an average of 12th (second from the bottom)..."

Additionally, the U.S. ranks:
· Last for low birth weight
· Last for neonatal and infant mortality overall
· Eleventh for post neonatal mortality
· Last for years of potential life lost
· Eleventh for female life expectancy at one year of age, and next to last for males
· Tenth for age adjusted mortality (life expectancy after age 40)

The World Health Organization, using different indicators, ranked the U.S. 15th among 25 industrialized nations.

Those numbers have not gotten any better in the last 8 years. If anything they are worse. It is up to you to decide what you will do about your personal health care. Will you take action or just leave your life in the hands of someone else who earns a living from your illness.

We all want to be healthy. But, if you are reading this while smoking a cigarette and drinking a soda, you might want to consider increasing your insurance - you are going to need it.

until next time - smile even when it hurts